Delivery: SUMMER ’24
Futures: July ’24 | $12.0025
Change: -.02
Basis: TBD
Bid: TBD
Delivery: SEP/OCT ’24
Futures: Nov ’24 | $11.8125
Change: +.0075
Basis: -0.35
Bid: $11.46
Delivery: NOV ’24
Futures: Nov ’24 | $11.8125
Change: +.0075
Basis: -0.30
Bid: $11.51
Delivery: DEC ’24
Futures: Jan’25 | $11.915
Change: +.01
Basis: -0.30
Bid: $11.61
Prices are updated each business day | View Discount Scale
Please call the office for more details. 402-370-4910
Cash Contract
Can be sold for any delivery month. Both futures reference price and basis are fixed at time of sale.
Spot Contract
No contract prior to physical delivery. Monday-Friday delivered bushels will be priced at Norfolk Crush’s daily closing nearby cash bid. Saturday or Sunday spot deliveries will be priced using the opening futures reference price of the following Monday’s CBOT regular day session +/- delivered basis.
Basis Contract
HTA Contract
Establishes contract futures price, maintains basis exposure. Basis must be priced prior to physical delivery of soybeans. Futures reference price and physical delivery can be rolled to any futures month within the current crop year at a 1c fee. Rolling of futures reference price beyond current crop year only allowed at the discretion of Norfolk Crush.
Stay up to date on your scale tickets, contracts, offers, and cash bids with the Norfolk Crush app. Download it for free from the App or Play stores
3820 North 1st Street
Norfolk, Nebraska 68701